Special Thanks to Mike & Vickie

Just have to express my sincere thanks to Mike and Vickie for their help in my Criterion adventure. I'm sure like Ron Devies with my Lifeliner, they are glad to get it "OTTA THERE!". In the future if I purchase another Pro-Car in your neck of the woods, you might want to be very quiet.

Thanks guys!


Mike and Vikki are good people who have helped lots of people! It is the way they are. One early Sunday morning a few years back, Lucille and I broke down on the way to a car show in Delaware. As we were standing there trying to get AAA to rescue us, up pull the Barruzzas. We told them to go ahead to the show without us, but they wouldn't hear of it. They waited with us until our car was loaded on the truck and then we went to the show. They even drove us most of the way back to our house and offered to take us all of the way. I can't tell you enough about how much they helped us out that day, unselfishly sacrificing their plans and their time for us.

BTW Richard, I am glad you finally got home! Good luck with your new treasure!
sounds like nice people to know. but bet you were a lot happier then they were to get it loaded. just thik of how dull you life would be with out pro cars.;)