Lafayette, LA MCI

Its been a tough few days here in Lafayette and many more to come for the families affected by the theater shooter. Long hours at work.

This is my hometown, and I'd ask that after the news trucks leave, you all continue to remember these families that lost so much. This theater is our theater, kids use it, we use it, drive by it twice a day...hard to believe. But what I know is that Lafayette remains the heart of great family life and "joie du vie" that lives on...

Thank you.
These incidents seem to be occurring more and more often,each time just as devastating as the last,it could happen anywhere but when it hits home it's very harsh,always have families and friends in my prayers,but also the first responders who face these situations and even harder when you live in the same town and know folks affected,
one more incident of mental health gone a stray and token protections reviled. we spend so much time on cuts and scraps in this county and so little time on wounds you can't see. now a group of patch work mental health workers will descend, do meat ball mental Health for a few days and pack up and leave. leaving others with the same problems this man had. it is beyond time that we address the root cause of these things and get mental health out front were it needs to be. one recurring theme with all of these people is that they have been in and out of the mental health system for a long time. it is time to face the facts people, we are approach things from the wrong end. the results is vast numbers effected instead of just the one.

the best thing to do is organize a cleansing. get a priest, a Indian and whom ever else has a good procedure to drive out the evil spirits and have a movie. the key is you join in. I can keep you in my thoughts and you have been since I first hear about it, but you and the people around you need to take action to reclaim your life. :thumbsup: if this sound unsympathetic it not meant to be. it is time to address this problem and passing restrictions, doing body scans is not the answer. graduating more trained mental health workers is. then figure out how to hang on to people till they are healed. might just be a better use of money then what we are doing.
Tough times

Thinking of you and the folks down there Terry. Really tough when its in your hometown. Certainly can share your experience since we had the craziness up here last Oct. Shakes things up pretty hard but its amazing how folks will pull together and come through.
I grew up in and graduated high school in Aurora Colorado. We lived four blocks from the theatre. Although I've been gone from there a long time it's still home. The world makes a little less sense when bad stuff happens on our own doorstep. I wish you, your co-workers and community peace and healing.